Saturday, March 31, 2007

Welcome ^^

HI PEOPLE!!!, first of all, welcome to the mathDot World. In this space, my name is Dot.., please, don't call me as my real name... jejeje. How are you??.., supose you're fine.., i'm fine too jejeje.., ehmm.., what else to say??.., don't know.., i really hope you don't be sleeping with this.., i'm really trying to make my best with this..
Jeje, no, i'm just kidding, i really know how to entretain you..,don't worry.., let's say that i have some experience doing this:P. In this first entry, let's do some different and nice. I will post some curiosities i've found in internet to share them with you. Hope you to enjoy it.

The Simpson were ideated in 15 minutes while Matt Groening was waiting in the reception onf an office. Homer and Margaret are the names of Matt's parents, and his children are named Homer and Abe. His brother is Mark and his sisters are Patty, Lissa and Maggie.

Before the wife of Walt Disney chose the name Mickey Mouse for the mouse, it was thought to use Mortimer.

The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

The atomic bomb that fell in Nagasaki was called Fat Man and the one in Hiroshima, Little boy

When the tomb og King Tutankamon was opened, his pennis disappeared.

The initials M&M of the chocolate belongs to the name of its founders: Victor Mars and Mr. Merrie,. It was created on 1941, and the company was named at the same way.

The name Jeep belongs to the abbreviation of the american army of "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.

The word cementary belongs to the Greek term koimetirion that means: dormitory.

The death of the princess Diana of Gales had occupied more space in the global publishing than the drastics events of the Second World War.

Abraham Lincoln was not just a politic, he alse was inventor: he obtained a patent of an "ingenuity to mark with buoy the ships in few deep waters.

The aspirin is the most consumed medicine in the world. The german investigator Felix Hoffman founded it when he was looking for a relieve for the arthritis of his father.

The two lines = that shows equality were began to be used by the mathematician Robert Recorde since more than 400 years. In one of his books he states the election of this sign because "two thongs can't be more equals than two parallel lines".

In 1865 Alfred Nobel, develops a powerful but inestable explosive: the nitroglicerin. That same year, he invented the detonator and the dynamite.