Voy a hacer esto en español para evitar malentendidos y hablar completamente claro y directo.
He dejado pasar todo este tiempo para meditar correctamente todo (y cuando digo todo, es todo), y así poder dar una respuesta completamente honesta, que es lo que supongo todos esperan (y si no es así, sorry).
quiero empezar por disculparme al utilizar esta frase: "i suppose that i have to understand inferior (subordinate) minds like yours...", sé que no debí decir eso, primero porque nunca, estando en mis cinco sentidos, he tratado a alguien de inferior, y segundo porque lo más probable es que no medí las consecuencias que iba a traer todo esto. (y digo "lo más probable" porque como muchos saben, sufro de lagunas mentales, y como esto lo escribí hace mucho, no recuerdo exactamente cómo fueron las cosas XD)
vi por ahi que hay otra frase media molesta para ustedes: "don't mind this, i can't understand!, its so difficult to understand fool people.., even more difficult to solve a mathematic problem." Les explico: cuando hablo de fool people me refiero a gente tonta, y este caso sí es general, o sea, no me refería a solamente la gente de mi salon, me refería a toda la gente tonta que hay en el mundo. Les hago una pregunta: ¿para alguien le resulta fácil entender a alguien cuando está hablando idioteces?, para mí es muy dificil, y eso era lo que quería decir.
quitando la frase que omito al principio, creo que si leen objetivamente el entry se darán cuenta que no hablo de seres inferiores, ni que yo soy la superior, hablo de complejos de inferioridad, que son cosas muy distintas. Cualquier persona sufre de algún complejo de inferioridad alguna vez en su vida, y en esto me incluyo. Podrán notar que recalco que estos complejos no llevan a algo bueno, más bien crean más problemas. Entonces, ¿qué quiero decir con todo esto?, que si bien es cierto que es bueno darse cuenta que uno sufre de esto, sería mejor aceptarlos y mucho mejor si tratamos de buscarle alguna solución a esto.., a ¿qué me refiero?, pues que no basta con saber aceptar, sino superar el complejo.
muchos se preguntan aún: ¿coño, qué carajo le pasa a ella, cual era la intención entonces?, y la respuesta es: sintiéndome molesta por el desprecio, y/o rechazo que sienten algunos cuando ven la palabra matemática, cuando ven un problema o un número (pues no pueden negar que a algunos les da "panic attack" cada vez que ven algo relacionado a la mate), me sentí en la necesidad de defender mi hobby. Yo comprendo perfectamente que la gran mayoría no tiene el don o la facilidad, pero hombre, no se rinda antes de comenzar la batalla (buscarle una solución), ¿no cree?. Quería crear conciencia que estas cosas pasan tal vez por es un problema sicológico, y que incluso tiene solución, siempre y cuando uno se de cuenta de que el problema existe y se tiene la voluntad para cambiar. Pero yo no quería que pensaran como yo..., eso es prácticamente imposible, el objetivo era hacer entender lo útil que es esta ciencia y que no debe haber motivos para tenerle miedo.
Muchos ahora se preguntarán por qué utilicé ese lenguaje tan "soez" y la respuesta es: fíjese en el comportamiento general del salón: el profe le dice "callese la boca" o "hagan silencio" o "no tiren basura fuera de la canasta, no sean tan cochinos!"... y por más veces que uno lo repita, se vuelve a cometer el mismo error; entonces quizás pensé que a veces se logra crear mayor conciencia cuando se hace de esta manera, pues para que la reacción sea de mayor magnitud; y aunque sea obvio para mí, para otros no lo sea, por lo tanto debo aclarar que buscaba una reacción positiva.
hasta ahora, si usted se está durmiendo y no me entiende, no sé como explicarle entonces. de hecho todo esto me ha llevado a conocer que tengo un problema, y no es locura mental o desorden mental como muchos dicen, es no poder expresarme de forma diplomática y correcta con gente que no me conoce, y voy a tratar de superar eso lo mejor posible.
con todo esto he aprendido muchsisisimas cosas, y así como evidentemente hubo consecuencias negativas, también hubo muchas consecuencias positivas, y todas ellas me han enseñado mucho, y estoy muy contenta por eso.
Ahora, quiero también que se pregunten, independientemente de todo lo que ha pasado aquí, si alguna vez me he comportado como una creída, o que pienso que soy la diosa o la superior. Les recuerdo que yo jamás en mi vida (a menos de que me provoquen o me jodan) he pifiado alguno de mis 100s, de hecho hasta le presto y/o regalo mi parcial al que lo quiera tomar para corregir el suyo sin ningún tipo de prejuicio alguno. Incluso siempre trato de ayudar al que lo necesita, y creo que nunca le he negado ayuda a alguien (siempre y cuando me lo pidan de buena manera, esté capacitada para eso, y si las intensiones de la persona que necesita la ayuda sean buenas), ¿usted cree que si yo me creyera superior a ustedes yo voltearía a escucharlos o a prestarle ayuda?
yo no soy una persona que guarda rabia o rencor o ira..., eso se lo pueden preguntar a las personas que verdaderamente me conocen. Leslie me dijo que cuando yo me iba de viaje, ustedes en el salón se quedaban pendientes a ver cómo me había ido y que de verdad les preocupaba. si ella me lo dice es porque debe ser cierto, sin embargo, y se los digo honestamente, no he visto prueba verídica que lo confirme para todos en el salon, porque todos tienen mi email y me tienen agregada en su msn, si tanto les importara, se tomarían la molestia en mandarme un email o al menos de saludarme cuando me conecto cuando estoy de viaje. tengo que destacar que unos pocos sí lo han hecho y les doy gracias a ellos. Además, muchos incluso solo se burlan diciendo que fui solo a ganar experiencia y amigos, y yo no les digo nada porque no me afecta en lo absoluto, y yo y la gente que me quiere están orgullosos de mí y eso es lo único y más importante para mí.
En estos momentos solo siento lástima por el/ella/ellos/ellas que escriben los anónimos con ánimos de ofender, porque no me gusta la hipocrecía ni la cobardía. yo no los voy a juzgar, a mí no me toca hacer eso, y aunque no los pueda entender, no le guardo ningún rencor porque no vale la pena. si usted, querid@s anonim@s quieren seguir con las ofensas, pues adelante, ya no será culpa mía. yo seguiré siendo feliz con mi familia y con mis pocos, pero muy buenos amigos. y como dicen sabias y reiteradas palabras (aunque vaya a sonar algo frío): no importa que estén hablando bien o mal de mí, lo importante es que lo hacen.
Para Vitery, que dijo que D-Maggot no tenía por qué meterse en estos asuntos, pues son del salón, pues solo le digo que él tiene tanto y hasta más derecho que todos ustedes que han escrito algún comentario, porque él es mi MEJOR amigo, y eso nadie que no sea él y/o yo lo puede cambiar. Además, así como tú dijistes que es un problema del salón, me parece que todo esto no se debió publicar en un sitio web, ¿por qué no hacerlo de frente?, porque tengo que aclarar que mi entry no era algo exclusivamente para el salón..., es para todos los que odian mate, que sienten averración y panic attack cuando ven algo relacionado a ésto.
A los que se sintieron decepcionados de mí y no tuvieron el coraje de decírmelo frente a frente, así como lo hizo Leslie y algunos más, pues solamente les digo que antes de juzgar a los demás, júzguense a sí mismos; antes de ver el error ajeno, vea dentro de sí mismo y dese cuenta si hizo algún error. y a Joselito, gracias por corregir los errores gramaticales.., por eso digo, hay que practicar el ingles!... ah y por cierto, no es que piense como los demás, ni que me deje influenciar por lo que escriben esos sicólogos, sólo que destaco que es algo mundial y que hay ciertas cosas que así como estoy acuerdo, también estoy en desacuerdo.
Sin más que decir por el momento, me despido.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Oh!, my sweet love, what do you feel at this moment?
by: Dot ^^
Oh!, my sweet love, what do you feel at this moment?
i can feel the beats of your heart accelerating with every palpitate
what begs your heart?
what begs your heart?
to undress your lips with a passionate kiss?
scape from me to avoid to feel the desperate clamor of love?
it begs you to get away at this momento to never turn back to see my eyes that cries with hurt?or take me and make me yours forever with reckless passion?
what do your eyes say?
maybe i'm completely wrong and simply you don't feel anything?
it begs you to get away at this momento to never turn back to see my eyes that cries with hurt?or take me and make me yours forever with reckless passion?
what do your eyes say?
maybe i'm completely wrong and simply you don't feel anything?
but then why, once again, I can listen your heart beating full of love?
that cold heart that slept like a stone, without soul, without life
what's inside you that makes me feel so happy?
if I can only stop the time and stay like this forever
that cold heart that slept like a stone, without soul, without life
what's inside you that makes me feel so happy?
if I can only stop the time and stay like this forever
like this way, close to you, with your sweet lips beside mine
with our hearts connected without obstacles
like this i want to be forever, without words to ruin the moment
with our hearts connected without obstacles
like this i want to be forever, without words to ruin the moment
without people to disturb, without worries, without hurts nor blames
Oh!, my sweet love, what do you feel at this moment? ***Background: of course this is about a scene where both are strongly embraced, the girl gets very close to his lips, almost touching them with her lips, and she says this, that is what indeed she feels.
Oh!, my sweet love, what do you feel at this moment? ***Background: of course this is about a scene where both are strongly embraced, the girl gets very close to his lips, almost touching them with her lips, and she says this, that is what indeed she feels.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
What's the Problem???
What's the problem???, that's the title of this second entry, and i can't believe people had reacted like that..., this happens when "normal" people finds something new, something original, something really good... What if i want to write in english??? HELLO!!!, when did you mind to practice your english?, in the bathroom?.. or in your dreams?, i mean, instead of doing nonsense and stupid comments of envy and rejection, you should follow my steps and begin to practice your english.., seriously........, and.., What if i want to name my blog "MathDot World"... i'm really surprised about how people get complicated with this insignificant thing..., i mean, really... dahh, the problem is mine, not yours.., so don't get "in" on my business...
And i say, seriously, why to complicate with this?, didn't you realized that i hadn't put numbers??.., i think that the only numbers that are in this blog are the numbers of the counter.. just that!!!... but well.., i suppose that i have to understand inferior (subordinate) minds like yours... (and i remark, i hadn't wrote names), and now and so on, i won't complicate this any more.
talking now seriously..., i've realized in my psychology's formal investigation that there's a theory, developed by Erik Erikson, about the stages of psychosocial development, in where (it really calls me the attention) there's a stage called the Latency Stage, that goes from six to twelve years old, in where the balanced virtue that children should develop is the sense of Competency, that is no more that the development of imagination and the dedication to attend to the education, having a sense of industry but at the same time have a touch of inferiority. Problems in this stage leads to narrow virtuosity, if the child have NO sense of inferiority; but also can leads to INERTIA, where includes all of those who suffer from the "inferiority complexes". Alfred Adler also worked some about the INFERIORITY, he stated that the most common psychological inferiorities, is the mathematic phobia!.. and this begins when the child have problems to remind how much is 7x8..., and each time, things are getting harder, and worse when algebra comes, and it is needed to discover how much is "x", when they don't even know how much is 7x8... (and this problem can leads to neurosis, or some more critical problems)
now you are realizing that this have some of true.., but then i suppose that from these theories i should deduce that this mathematic phobia often leads people with inferiority complexes inclusively to hate people that does good in mathematics.. (yes, people like me)... and this is not a joke, i really can feel that feeling of hate, and it is not needed to be a psychologist or a Walter Mercado to realize it.
i don't mind this, i can't understand!, its so difficult to understand fool people.., even more difficult to solve a mathematic problem. the matter is: mathematician-hater people hadn't realized how important is mathematics for life: the last cellphones they use, the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the computers they need, the televisions they watch..., MATHEMATICS IS EVERYWHERE, and it is the MOST important science developed. you can't imagine what would be the world and technology without mathematics..., maybe it's simplier: NOTHING.
i told you as a friend, you should read more and overcome that INFERIORITY COMPLEX for mathematics..., obviously you won't die if you don't, but you will die being stupid. books and wikipedia won't kill you.., will make you better.
Finally i just want to say that this blog in english is not to "cepillar" the professor, that was not even thought by my angelical mind, but i won't discuss this, think what you think, it doesn't matter to me.
And i say, seriously, why to complicate with this?, didn't you realized that i hadn't put numbers??.., i think that the only numbers that are in this blog are the numbers of the counter.. just that!!!... but well.., i suppose that i have to understand inferior (subordinate) minds like yours... (and i remark, i hadn't wrote names), and now and so on, i won't complicate this any more.
talking now seriously..., i've realized in my psychology's formal investigation that there's a theory, developed by Erik Erikson, about the stages of psychosocial development, in where (it really calls me the attention) there's a stage called the Latency Stage, that goes from six to twelve years old, in where the balanced virtue that children should develop is the sense of Competency, that is no more that the development of imagination and the dedication to attend to the education, having a sense of industry but at the same time have a touch of inferiority. Problems in this stage leads to narrow virtuosity, if the child have NO sense of inferiority; but also can leads to INERTIA, where includes all of those who suffer from the "inferiority complexes". Alfred Adler also worked some about the INFERIORITY, he stated that the most common psychological inferiorities, is the mathematic phobia!.. and this begins when the child have problems to remind how much is 7x8..., and each time, things are getting harder, and worse when algebra comes, and it is needed to discover how much is "x", when they don't even know how much is 7x8... (and this problem can leads to neurosis, or some more critical problems)
now you are realizing that this have some of true.., but then i suppose that from these theories i should deduce that this mathematic phobia often leads people with inferiority complexes inclusively to hate people that does good in mathematics.. (yes, people like me)... and this is not a joke, i really can feel that feeling of hate, and it is not needed to be a psychologist or a Walter Mercado to realize it.
i don't mind this, i can't understand!, its so difficult to understand fool people.., even more difficult to solve a mathematic problem. the matter is: mathematician-hater people hadn't realized how important is mathematics for life: the last cellphones they use, the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the computers they need, the televisions they watch..., MATHEMATICS IS EVERYWHERE, and it is the MOST important science developed. you can't imagine what would be the world and technology without mathematics..., maybe it's simplier: NOTHING.
i told you as a friend, you should read more and overcome that INFERIORITY COMPLEX for mathematics..., obviously you won't die if you don't, but you will die being stupid. books and wikipedia won't kill you.., will make you better.
Finally i just want to say that this blog in english is not to "cepillar" the professor, that was not even thought by my angelical mind, but i won't discuss this, think what you think, it doesn't matter to me.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Welcome ^^
HI PEOPLE!!!, first of all, welcome to the mathDot World. In this space, my name is Dot.., please, don't call me as my real name... jejeje. How are you??.., supose you're fine.., i'm fine too jejeje.., ehmm.., what else to say??.., don't know.., i really hope you don't be sleeping with this.., i'm really trying to make my best with this..
Jeje, no, i'm just kidding, i really know how to entretain you..,don't worry.., let's say that i have some experience doing this:P. In this first entry, let's do some different and nice. I will post some curiosities i've found in internet to share them with you. Hope you to enjoy it.
The Simpson were ideated in 15 minutes while Matt Groening was waiting in the reception onf an office. Homer and Margaret are the names of Matt's parents, and his children are named Homer and Abe. His brother is Mark and his sisters are Patty, Lissa and Maggie.
Before the wife of Walt Disney chose the name Mickey Mouse for the mouse, it was thought to use Mortimer.
The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
The atomic bomb that fell in Nagasaki was called Fat Man and the one in Hiroshima, Little boy
When the tomb og King Tutankamon was opened, his pennis disappeared.
The initials M&M of the chocolate belongs to the name of its founders: Victor Mars and Mr. Merrie,. It was created on 1941, and the company was named at the same way.
The name Jeep belongs to the abbreviation of the american army of "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.
The word cementary belongs to the Greek term koimetirion that means: dormitory.
The death of the princess Diana of Gales had occupied more space in the global publishing than the drastics events of the Second World War.
Abraham Lincoln was not just a politic, he alse was inventor: he obtained a patent of an "ingenuity to mark with buoy the ships in few deep waters.
The aspirin is the most consumed medicine in the world. The german investigator Felix Hoffman founded it when he was looking for a relieve for the arthritis of his father.
The two lines = that shows equality were began to be used by the mathematician Robert Recorde since more than 400 years. In one of his books he states the election of this sign because "two thongs can't be more equals than two parallel lines".
In 1865 Alfred Nobel, develops a powerful but inestable explosive: the nitroglicerin. That same year, he invented the detonator and the dynamite.
Jeje, no, i'm just kidding, i really know how to entretain you..,don't worry.., let's say that i have some experience doing this:P. In this first entry, let's do some different and nice. I will post some curiosities i've found in internet to share them with you. Hope you to enjoy it.
The Simpson were ideated in 15 minutes while Matt Groening was waiting in the reception onf an office. Homer and Margaret are the names of Matt's parents, and his children are named Homer and Abe. His brother is Mark and his sisters are Patty, Lissa and Maggie.
Before the wife of Walt Disney chose the name Mickey Mouse for the mouse, it was thought to use Mortimer.
The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
The atomic bomb that fell in Nagasaki was called Fat Man and the one in Hiroshima, Little boy
When the tomb og King Tutankamon was opened, his pennis disappeared.
The initials M&M of the chocolate belongs to the name of its founders: Victor Mars and Mr. Merrie,. It was created on 1941, and the company was named at the same way.
The name Jeep belongs to the abbreviation of the american army of "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.
The word cementary belongs to the Greek term koimetirion that means: dormitory.
The death of the princess Diana of Gales had occupied more space in the global publishing than the drastics events of the Second World War.
Abraham Lincoln was not just a politic, he alse was inventor: he obtained a patent of an "ingenuity to mark with buoy the ships in few deep waters.
The aspirin is the most consumed medicine in the world. The german investigator Felix Hoffman founded it when he was looking for a relieve for the arthritis of his father.
The two lines = that shows equality were began to be used by the mathematician Robert Recorde since more than 400 years. In one of his books he states the election of this sign because "two thongs can't be more equals than two parallel lines".
In 1865 Alfred Nobel, develops a powerful but inestable explosive: the nitroglicerin. That same year, he invented the detonator and the dynamite.
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